This is one of big reason western and European nations banned LTTE late part of 90s and 2000s even through LTTE were in the peace talks. However, Tamil politicians from Tamil political parties such as IATK showed themselves as a moderate leadership hoping for their own selfish power.
LTTE pushed back invaded criminal Sri Lankan military and defended Tamils and their land. Using force was the only option for Tamils to stop Sri Lanka's genocide. When LTTE (Tamil Tigers) emerged as a Tamil Eelam military in early 90s, these Tamil politicians play a nice guy role saying they were for negotiation fully knowing that Sinhala Buddhist monks were the one running the Sri Lanka and they never allow any form of federalism to Tamils. But in Eelam Tamil case, during later part of 70s and 80s, the politicians mostly lawyers dishonest to their people deviated from their decision and they still tried to get opportunities for themselves while left the youth to fight. In any country, once they decide to go war, usually it's the youth population that join in military ranks but still many elders take responsibility and stand with their military too.
However, the political parties such as TULF / IATK put the responsibly on youth (they called boys) and Tamil elders selfishly left their youth to fight. They made this decision after ran out of all other options due Sri Lanka's genocide. Tamil Eelam History: Tamil elders, politicians and general population were democratically decided they wanted Tamil Eelam as separate country in 1976.